
Showing posts from July, 2023

Mitigating Security Risks: Protecting Customer Data in eCommerce

  There's no other industry where customer satisfaction plays a greater role than in the e-commerce space.  Even a single error on your app can send your customer to a competitor's platform. That's how intrinsic experience has become to e-commerce. As a result, marketplaces are always on the lookout for the next big thing that can redefine their customer experience. And nine times out of ten, it involves inventively using data to find areas for improvement, driving AI/ML models for predictive analysis, or A/B testing new features.  Whatever it may be, as an e-commerce platform, you need to understand that you're storing and using customer data, which has become akin to oil in today's digitally driven world.  The point we're trying to make is if you're using customer data to drive decisions, protecting the data is also an onus that falls upon your shoulders.  Given the fact that there was a 195% increase in bot attacks and a 29% increase in human-initiated at...